yet-to-become projects
a collaborative project by Filipa Ramos & António Contador
June, 17, 6pm - The Barber Shop (Rua Rosa Araújo 5, Lisboa)
AGORA NÃO/NOT YET is a collaborative project between Filipa Ramos and António Contador based upon the collection of projects that never came to be.
A letter was sent to many persons – dear friends, acquaintances and some admired individuals – inviting them to be part of the project by sharing of a non-done project of theirs. These projects were then gathered and turned into an of anthology of non pursued thoughts.
Each of them will now be publicly opened one by one and displayed in an event that will take place on the evening of the 17th of June 2011, from 6pm onwards, at The Barber Shop.
Simultaneously, José Albergaria, from change is good, will be producing on real time the catalogue of the project.
images @miss dove: