Wednesday, May 28, 2014


marcio carvalho
Power Over Memory – A case study 

28. Mai, 20:00
im Studio Я
Maxim Gorki Theater
in Giving Contours to Shadows

The art and research project Giving Contours To Shadows explores how artists and theorists relate to their own history and formulate alternative views, when they confront Western historiography. The focus of the performance program is on non-Western practices of narrating history that explore the "body as a site of discourse" (Esiaba Irobi). The contributions of Marcio Carvalho, Serge Olivier Fokuoa, Kapwani Kiwanga, Ato Malinda and Lerato Shadi address themes including gender performance, science fiction, pre-colonial and intercontinental relations, geopolitical hegemonies and the precariousness of dislocation.

image: © Lerato Shadi